
dsm ltd has a pol­icy of con­tin­u­ally investing in research & development, this sets us apart from our competition and firmly places us as mar­ket lead­ers in the sector. We innovate in two ways – 

1. using our engi­neer­ing expertise.

2. using our knowl­edge of scal­lop fishing.

Exam­ples of this are:

1. We were the first com­pany to use exotic steels in the man­u­fac­tur­ing of chain bags. 20 years ago a typ­i­cal chain bag had a life span of 4 – 6 weeks. We innovated by using high car­bon steels – a dif­fi­cult and expen­sive R&D project due to the small sec­tion steels. This led to a 5 fold increase in life which scal­lop fish­er­men now enjoy. All gear man­u­fac­tur­ers have now copied this, how­ever, the steel we now use is cast only for us and to our own specification.

2. We have always used our knowl­edge of fish­ing to improve or develop new or bet­ter catch­ing gear. The lat­est is our highly suc­cess­ful N-​Viro Dredge™, a com­pletely new way of catch­ing scal­lops – full infor­ma­tion can be found at www​.n-vi​ro​dredge​.com.


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